- Resource Type
- Second modification
- API Version
- 1.0.0
- Copyright Link
- #
- Open Source URL
- https://github.com/MemoriesOfTime/RsNPC
- Depend Plugin
- MemoriesOfTime-GameCore https://bbs.nukkit-mot.com/resources/memoriesoftime-gamecore.39/
📖 简介
RsNPC 是一款功能强大的命令NPC插件,支持4D皮肤,并为Nukkit服务器提供高度可定制的功能。通过这个插件,你可以创建和管理命令NPC,拥有丰富的互动功能和设置。你可以自定义NPC的皮肤、路径、对话、动作等,以提升服务器的玩家体验。
📝 特性
- 4D皮肤支持:为NPC分配4D皮肤,带来更加生动的外观。
- 自定义实体:通过资源包添加自定义实体,支持独特的NPC模型。
- 自定义手持物品/护甲:为NPC装备自定义的手持物品和护甲。
- 看向玩家:NPC会自动面向玩家,提升互动体验。
- 表情动作:NPC可以执行各种动作,如"Over There!"、"Simple Clap"等。
- 自定义点击命令:为每个NPC设置自定义命令和消息,支持不同权限级别(玩家、OP、控制台)。
- 路径设置:NPC可以自动沿着指定路径移动。
- 对话系统:非常适合RPG对话、信息介绍等应用。
- 原地旋转:NPC可以在原地旋转,展示皮肤或模型。
- GUI配置:通过游戏内的GUI界面配置插件的90%功能,无需手动编辑文件。
📄 下载
📖 Introduction
RsNPC is a powerful command NPC plugin with 4D skin support and highly customizable features for Nukkit servers. This plugin allows you to create and manage command NPCs with a wide range of interactive features and settings. You can customize NPC skins, paths, dialogues, actions, and more to enhance your server's experience.
📝 Features
4D Skin Support: Assign 4D skins to NPCs for more dynamic appearances.
Custom Entities: Add custom entities using resource packs, enabling unique NPC models.
Custom Handheld Items/Armor: Equip NPCs with custom held items and armor.
Look at Players: NPCs automatically face players for better interaction.
Emote Actions: NPCs can perform various actions like "Over There!" or "Simple Clap" their heads.
Custom Click Commands: Set custom commands and messages for each NPC, with support for different permission levels (player, OP, console).
Path Setting: NPCs can move along a defined path automatically.
Dialog System: Perfect for RPG dialogues, information introductions, and more.
Rotating in Place: NPCs can rotate in place, ideal for showcasing skins or models.
GUI Configuration: Configure 90% of the plugin’s features in-game using a GUI interface without the need for manual file editing.
📄 Download
Compatible with Nukkit-MOT: download
Compatible with NukkitX: download